Social Media Lead

Bookwitty EN | Reading with Matt Cherry

comedic Booktube series for niche book discovery platform, Bookwitty

Branded promo material, designed by Keeward Studio.

Branded promo material, designed by Keeward Studio.

This Series in Numbers:


Series Overview:

Bookwitty is a place to discover personally recommended books from all over the world through community-driven content like reviews, articles, and reading lists. Once a reader has found a book of their liking they can order through the website, and get it delivered straight to their doorstep with free shipping.

As it expanded its offering, the platform was looking for a way to develop its content catalog and establish a new point of contact with followers. Youtube's notorious Booktube community was the perfect place to start. My job was to design an original series format that would help Bookwitty  stand out amongst its competitors.


As a way to put Bookwitty's spin on the classic Youtube review show, I worked with the marketing team on a series entitled Reading with Matt Cherry. At its core, this format is quite standard: a host reviews a book to his audience. Our approach towards these reviews was what made the show special. We made use of Matt Cherry's quirky personality and built the universe around that.

With a unique branding, smart comedic timing and a particular brand of scriptwriting and editing, Reading with Matt Cherry stood out with ease from the rest of the Booktube shows. Another essential differentiating factor was the books Matt reviewed, as we tackled wildly different niches with sharp genres and international authors.


Reading with Matt Cherry Episodes:

The series' first season consists of 4 episodes that delve into the writings of Nalo Hopkinson, Natasha Stagg, Jonathan Lethem and Kobo Abe. Our objective was to cast a wide net from the get-go to attract viewers who have a diverse literary appetite and a curious mind.

Editorial Content:

As a way to get Bookwitty readers acquainted with Matt Cherry organically, we worked on a number of articles that Matt posted on under his pen name. This editorial content was built around his quirky personality and served as a gateway for readers to discover the show and learn about new reads.

Themed Newsletter Campaigns:

Every episode release was backed by an online marketing strategy which included themed newsletters. To fall in line with Bookwitty's mission to recommend books from all over the world, I based the newsletters around each episode's central book. For example, I worked the below newsletter around Afrofuturism a central topic in Nalo Hopkinson's Midnight Robber.