Social Media Lead


— I help brands better connect with their audience and celebrate
the magic of Christmas in style 

Six ways global warming is waging war on Christmas

Six ways global warming is waging war on Christmas



After kicking off my professional career in advertising, a series of fortuitous events lead me to the content industry and ultimately my niche. I take joy in devising communication strategies layered with stories because this is what has always come naturally to me. The right story can help you escape from everyday hustle, it can allow you to learn the basics of quantum physics in a flash, and in some cases, it will aid you in winning a presidential election.

At the ripe age of 23, I graduated from the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts with a Master's degree in Art Direction & Advertising.  Still, what I studied fell on the offline side of the spectrum, and just like Britney Spears in her 2007 hit I needed "more."  So I packed my bags and headed to gay Madrid where I took on a curriculum in Communication Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design. After pitching my final project, one of the jury members stated to me that my set of skills were a perfect fit for the C word.

Back in Beirut, I started working as a creative media producer and strategist. As a result, I spearheaded the conception and execution of multiple creative media strategies that took on the shape of musical tracks, podcasts, videos and blog posts. I nurtured client relationships while building narratives in fashion, music, publishing, the non-governmental sector and even giving trainings in the process.

After two years as a creative content strategist, I decided that sleep was for the weak and took on an additional role as a content marketing manager for the B2B vertical of a book discovery platform known as Bookwitty. This new responsibility expanded my understanding of content as I learned to look at it from a more systemic and methodical point of view. 

Both of these extended roles have taught me that I love working with clients, understanding what makes their brand tick and creating beautiful stories around that. You can transmit a message in a million different ways. Whether you anatomize it into a million budget-friendly capsules or create an epic tale out of it, the trick lies in finding a way to pierce through the raucous to establish a relevant connection with your audience. 

In case you'd like to reach out and talk content, click on the link below.