Social Media Lead
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enabling global coffee brand to speak with a local dialect


NESCAFÉ ICE Campaign, designed by Publicis ME creative team.

This SOCIAL STRATEGY in Numbers:

Strategy Overview:

Over the past 80 years, coffee has become synonymous with NESCAFÉ. The brand positions itself as an instigator, helping people "make their moment" by allowing them the necessary space to take a step back and breathe before taking action. NESCAFÉ currently counts a boundless SKU portfolio that ranges from soluble coffee to capsules and even ready-to-go-mixes.

Being a household name grants NESCAFÉ a top-of-mind awareness some brands can only dream of ever reaching. However, this also comes with firm marketing conventions that limit its pivoting potential. This stiffness comes into play when adapting the brand's messaging to today's tongue-in-cheek, purposely underproduced social media cues.

Instead of the classic monthly calendar format, the agreement outlined with the NESCAFÉ team consists of a pool of content we leverage throughout the year and mainly push on Instagram. These pieces are a complementary awareness and engagement tool cushioning the moments when NESCAFÉ doesn't have paid digital campaigns running.

We either base them on known holidays/celebratory days (planned moments) or leave room for experimentation through reactive content (unplanned moments) that we quickly activate based on trending topics, social listening insights, and social media crazes. The latter allows us to leverage the right trends that humanize the brand and participate in conversations that matter to our audience. A channel-first approach is adopted when conceptualizing these ideas to generate the most engagement possible, resulting in a boost from the host platforms' organic algorithm.

As our objective on Twitter is to build affinity with our Saudi audience, we deploy a series of 10 to 15 tweets per month, in addition to the classical moment marketing. To maximize their impact, we base their topics on social listening, Google Trend predictions, and an analysis of our previous months' performance.


Engaging planned moments:

Besides the primary paid campaigns, our planned moment marketing is the bread and butter of NESCAFÉ's social marketing. These content pieces are a great way to experiment with new formats and topics in a contained manner while gathering audience insights that come in handy when developing lengthier campaigns. Moments range from International Coffee Day to Ramadan and Women's Day. Our current engagement rate for this category of content is proof of the strategy’s potency as it sits over 20%, which is roughly 10 times the industry average.

Campaign-driven assets:

Whenever we're launching a new product or CSR-focused campaign, other than planning our digital assets, a big part of my role entails working with the PUBLICIS creative team to decode our campaign platform for social media. This way, instead of simply having cut-downs of the main film, we devise assets that are optimized for their deployment channel.

Reactive content:

Jumping on trends is a vital part of participating in maintaining the brand's "relevant" status. Using social listening and keeping our pulse on regional pop culture, we identify the right moments for us to hop on. These can range from the Stranger Things season 4 part 2 premiere to a trending Saudi Arabia hashtag, as long as we add our branded spin to the topic. These posts require a speedy process for the content to go live while the topic trends.

Twitter content marketing:

Our organic Twitter strategy has proven to be a monumental success in the KSA with increases across the board to our yearly marketing KPIs (engagement rate, profile visits, positive sentiment, brand mentions, replies, link clicks). Currently, our engagement rate is triple the industry average. We've accomplished this by building on 3 key pillars, brand essence, trend predictions and analytics analysis.

Community management framework:

Every time a follower interacts with NESCAFÉ is a chance for the brand to grow their relationship. Given that the PUBLICIS team doesn't personally take on the brand's community management, we've prepared a community management framework document outlining the do's and don'ts for the NESTLÉ team’s coffee brands including NESCAFÉ and Starbucks at Home. This approach allows for consistency in tone, faster reply time, and more positive sentiment generation.